Month of the Military Child Purple Up Art Contest

Month of the Military Child Purple Up Art Contest

Theme of the Contest: What does it mean to you to be a military-connected child?

Who Can Participate: Open to all military connected children, from Kindergarten to 12th Grade 
Contest Period: March 13, 2024 to April 17, 2024  
Registration Deadline: April 12, 2024
Artwork Submission Deadline: 3PM, April 17, 2024

Contest Guidelines: 

  • The contest is open to all military connected children, from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
  • Each participant may submit only one entry.
  • Artwork submissions must be original creations. Please refrain from submitting any work that is copied from books, the internet, clipart, etc.
  • Artwork submissions should be sized at 8.5 x 11 inches (or equivalent) and can be created using any medium.
  • Please ensure to include a consent form for each participant.
  • Write the child's name on the back of the artwork submission; the name must match the electronic consent form.


Artwork Submissions: Indian Head General Library, 4163 N Jackson Rd Bldg 620, unless otherwise specified. Entries will be judged in three age group categories (K-5, 6-8, 9-12). A prize will be awarded to the winning artist.

For more information, contact Lolita Gunter at or 540-653-2070.


Partcipant Consent Form (required for participation):

As a parent/legal guardian of the child named above, I give him/her/them permission to enter the Month of the Military Child Purple Up Art Contest sponsored by NSF Dahlgren. I understand that each participant or group involved will be asked to submit an original work of art. I also understand that any artwork submitted becomes the property of NSF Dahlgren. I also understand that the artwork will be displayed at the Dahlgren Library. I have read and understand the above statements. As the legal guardian of this minor child, I relinquish all future claims to my child’s artwork.By entering your name in the space provided below, you acknowledge and accept the terms stated above, and your action serves as a legally binding signature of a parent/guardian.